Description of Filters

Unit Title

Filters information by the original name of the archival unit.

Unit Type

This filter allows you to sort information by the type of archival unit: chat, channel, or chatbot.

Thematic Collection

Allows you to filter information by thematic collections. For example, by selecting "Humour," you will see only archival units belonging to that collection. Thematic collections used for filtering were created by archivists.

Post Type

This convenient filter allows you to filter technical messages, comments, dates, and posts separately.


This filter shows which hashtags are mentioned in the selected archival units. You can also choose one or more hashtags to find them within the data set.


Displays all mentions using "@" in the messages.


Displays domain addresses found in the messages.

Has image

Filters archival materials by the presence of images.

Has audio

Filters archival materials by the presence of audio messages.

Has video

Filters archival materials by the presence of video.


Filters information by email addresses.


Filters messages by authorship. This allows you to find all messages from a specific author.


This filter helps find materials written in English, Ukrainian, Russian, or other languages.


Filters materials by mentions of specific countries. For example, selecting "Iran" will show all messages that mention Iran.

Chat/channel topics

Allows filtering channels and chats by topics that may be popular in certain archival units. The list of topics for filtering was created by archivists.

Chat/channel audiences

Filters channels and chats based on the likely audiences that used these chats or channels. Audience tags for filtering were created by archivists.

Last updated