Basic Information about Filters

Before we move on to filters, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the main features of working with them:

  • A system of logical operators OR and AND is applied in each filter. By default, the AND operator is in effect, combining all selected search queries. For example, with the filters "Country" > "Ukraine" AND "Poland" enabled, the results will display messages that mention both countries. By changing the operator from AND to OR in the lower right corner of the filter, the results will display messages that mention one or more countries.

  • All selected filters are displayed at the top of the search results. This allows you to see which filters are active and easily disable them.

  • Next to each item in the filter panel, the number of messages corresponding to that item is displayed. For example, this could be the number of messages with a specific hashtag or those published by a particular author. These numeric indicators may change if the search parameters are adjusted.

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